What is the Luncheon?
Whilst the pandemic has had major effects on some of The Good Shepherd Clinics’ previous events, we are excited to announce the commencement of the annual Pillars Luncheon, in March 2023. Here, we can celebrate our Community Pillars, and honour the extraordinary members of our community. Each year, recipients are chosen from disciplines including education, business, medicine, law and community service.
This luncheon not only honours those who work tirelessly for the betterment of our county, but also helps raise money for The Good Shepherd Clinic. All money raised from the event goes straight to the clinic, ensuring we can continue our mission of serving the medically uninsured in Clayton County.
If you are interested in purchasing a seat or becoming a table captain at our next luncheon, simply contact the clinic at 770-960-5701 or email at [email protected]
Honourees for 2023
Education pillar: Martha Shaw
Director, Spivey Hall Children’s Choir
Business pillar: Ben Casey
Former President, LTI Inc.
Medical pillar: Charisse Braxton, FNP-BC
Director, Kaiser Permanente
Legal pillar: Tasha Moseley
Clayton County District Attorney
Community Service pillar: Joy Day
Former Mayor of Jonesboro
Previous 2021 Honourees
Education pillar: Dr. Bryan Edwards
Business pillar: Mr. Terry Baskin
Medical pillar: Dr. Alvis Reynolds
Legal pillar: Judge Linda S. Cowen
Community Service pillar: Mrs. Sparkle Adams